Miscrits Choosing Relics Guide

A Guide to Making the Best Out of Your Platinum.

(Disclaimer: Please note that most, if not all of these strategies are only applicable for level 30 Miscrits.)


Part 1
Introduction to the Guide.
Stat Types: Their Strengths and Effects to Your Playing Styles.
Choosing the Correct Relics: The Simple Method.
Part 2
Common Relic Setups You’ll Encounter in the Game.
The Relic Equation
Part 3
Archetypal Method to Choosing Relics: The Advanced Method


With the advent of Volcano Island came many new features in the game that requires a lot of thinking. One of which is the new Relics system, a system akin to that of an RPG’s “equipment” system where you get to equip your Miscrits with Relics that give them added stat bonuses. But we all know hard it is to get Relics, simply because Platinum is pretty much hard to come by. That is why there are a few rules we should follow before buying and equipping Relics to your chosen Miscrits in order for us to make the most out of our Platinum, and the following conditions are as follows…

Conditions Before Equipping Relics:

The Miscrit should be level 30.
You must know the Stats, Strengths, Weaknesses, or Archetype of your Miscrit.
Make sure it’s a Miscrit you plan on using for a long time.
Why must the Miscrit be level 30?

– A level 30 Miscrit has finalized solid stats. Meaning to say that its strengths, weaknesses, and purposes won’t be undergoing any changes. Some Miscrits, most specially those with Random stats typically need to be level 30 before you get to plan on its Relic setup. But there are also some Miscrits whose Relic setups mainly rely on their specialty in skills. We’ll be going in depth with that later on in the guide. Why must we know the strengths, weaknesses, and purposes of our Miscrits?

– Relics have the power to give our Miscrits incredible capabilities in terms of stats, so it’s only natural that we need to boost either the things that it’s strong at, or is weak against. We need to set up our Miscrits in a way that would benefit it the most. For instance, a Preliator would much rather have a single EA Relic that would boost its max EA beyond its usual capabilities, than give it 3 PA Relics just to turn its weak Physical Attack into a Max stat. That’s using too much space for Relics, not to mention there are other high level Relics that would give it better amounts of stats of different types. Why must it be a Miscrit that we plan to use for a long time?

– This one should be fairly obvious. We’re trying to make the best out of our Platinum since it’s one of the scarcest resources in the game. We can only receive them through a limited amount of means. That being said we can’t afford to waste Relics on Miscrits we know we won’t be using for a long time. Relics are expensive things and we’re aiming to become the number one cheapskates in the game! Once you determine if you clear all 3 of those, we move on to the next step. Which is determining the effects and advantages of each stat types.

Stat Types: Their Strengths and Effects in Your Playing Style
We currently have 6 different stats in the game, with 6 very different uses. Namely…

Hit Points or HP: Increase the amount of turns staying in battles.
Speed or SP: Dictate the order of turns when fighting in battles.
Elemental Attack or EA: Increases the amount of elemental/critical damage your elemental moves does.
Physical Attack or PA: Increases the amount of physical damage your physical moves does.
Elemental Defense or ED: Mitigates the amount of damage you take from elemental attacks.
Physical Defense or PD: Mitigates the amount of damage you take from physical attacks.
These stats govern the entire battle system of the game, as well as the strategies and techniques that come with it. All our main strategies are usually reliant of Miscrit stats and that is the main reason why we need to make wise choices when choosing Relics. You can either make your Miscrit better with Relics, or destroy its overall purpose when equipped with the right Relics. That’s right! Even though all Relics add points to your total stats, some of those additional points may be more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

We can group the six stats into 3 groups.

The Special Stats: HP and SP
The Offensive Stats: EA and PA
The Defensive Stats: ED and PD

The Special Stats

HP – This stat is generally a very important stat for all Miscrits. HP Relics can be used by any Miscrit properly because it allows them to stay in the field for a longer amount of time. More often than not HP Relics show valuable results when they are equipped to any Miscrit. Some Miscrits, most specially tanks, have higher capabilities to make use of the extra HP they get from Relics. HP is also best added to tanks to give them added survivability.
SP – This stat is important for getting the first turn, and getting free hits/double hits from your opponents. Other than that, they have no other direct use. The only Miscrits who should equip SP Relics are Miscrits with Moderate to Max SP. If your Miscrit has Weak SP, don’t bother using SP Relics. They’re better off staying as weak. SP also acts as a secondary wall of defense. When your opponent’s Miscrit switches to another Miscrit in your opponent’s party, as long as you’re faster, you won’t be able to get hit by free hits. SP Relics are best placed on snipers. The added SP gives them the ability to snipe even other snipers.
The Offensive Stats

EA – Elemental Attack dictates how much damage your offensive elemental skills do. It’s an important stat for Miscrits that aim to exploit elemental weaknesses. You’d usually want more of this stat on a Miscrit with high SP, and high initial EA. This way they’d get to exploit the opponent’s weaknesses even more. For SK, fire Miscrits are abundant as well as Mun Kees. That is why it’s imperative for Snorkels and Beelzebugs to have more of this stat in order to snipe them better. For VI, however, it’s a free for all. There are a lot of OP crits out there. VI snipers will simply be dictated based on your priorities and your team.
PA – PA is an important stat for Miiscrits with 25 AP PA moves and strong to max PA. Only these Miscrits will be able to use this stat properly. PA dishes out damage that is neutral, irregardless of the opponent’s element. That is why it’s highly valued for physical hitters to have an element negating move with them to aim to completely remove elemental disadvantage in their matches. Physical hitters are important for any team because of their neutrality in terms of elements.

The Defensive Stats

PD – PD is the only stat that is able to mitigate the neutral damage PA attacks dishes out. It’s usually important for any Miscrit to have a balanced amount of PD, particularly because most (if not all) Miscrits have good PA attacks (aside from Slithero) in their skill sets. Even the best of nukes need to rely on PA attacks at times, that is why it’s imperative to have a balanced amount of PD, not lower that 60 or 70. But Miscrits with good SP usually won’t need much PD because they can always switch out of harm’s way to another Miscrit with better defensive stats.
ED – ED, in my opinion, is a much more important defensive stat than PD. ED decreases the amount of elemental damage you take. And that includes critical hits that results from element exploitation. In terms of trends, most people prefer nukes over hitters because of their ability to dish out critical damage. Any, if not all Miscrits, are able to benefit from extra ED. It helps them defend against nukes sniping them, giving them more time on the field to pull out their skill combos.

Choosing the Correct Relics: The Simple Method.

There are multitudes of logical methods to choosing the Relics you will be buying for your Miscrits. However, we can narrow the two best methods to…

Strengthening your Miscrit’s Weakness: The Balanced Method.
Improving your Miscrit’s Strengths: The Buff-Up Method.
These two methods are some of the most common things you’ll be doing in the game. Some Miscrits benefit more from buffing up stats, some Miscrits will benefit more from balancing their weaknesses. How you prioritize it will all boil down to your choices. Below are the explanations regarding the two most common methods in choosing Relics.

Strengthening your Weakness: Balancing Stats.

So how exactly do we strengthen our weaknesses? The simple method is determining the Miscrit’s stats. Find any “weak” or “moderate” stats, and simply purchase the appropriate Relics that will help add points to the said stats. This will be easily applicable to some Miscrits that has only very few “weak” and “moderate” stats. If your Derelicro is lacking a bit of EA and Garbage Heap isn’t working as fine as it should, purchasing a powerful Relic that adds points to EA will be a beneficial and wise choice for your Derelicro. Remember that we have a maximum of 3 slots for Relics, so after we increase one stat we can always move on to the next weak or moderate stat and address it properly. This choice is often the most logical one for it leaves very little room for weaknesses your opponents can exploit. Improving your Strengths: Buffing Up.

Next up is strengthening your own strengths, which is fairly simple to do. Most Miscrits have only 1 or 2 stats that it’s strong at. Let’s say for instance that your Dark Afterburn is already sporting a Max PA of 85, and you want to make that go up even higher to give even the buffest of Violimps a good shock. You can purchase a good PA-boosting Relic in order to make your PA buff up even higher. This way, if you meet the same Violimp with say, 80 PD, it will still be able to punch in an extra 15 damage to your usual 25 to 30 average damage that you dish out. This method simply chooses the strongest stat of the Miscrit and boosts it even further. It’s probably one of the most obvious choices in the game, which is buffing up your Miscrit’s attack to points that spell catastrophe for your opponents. But doing so will leave your defenses very open so strategies like these would usually have a very serious downside to it. Same thing if you buff your Orcatide’s already maxed out HP and defenses. Even though you would get a monstrous defensive Orcatide it won’t be doing anything much against a Mumbah that can keep healing the very low damage you dish out. However, some Miscrits may be able to benefit more with this choice. We’ll be going in-depth with that later on.

Common Relic Setups You’ll Encounter in the Game.

Once you explore the ins and outs of Relic and Stat Setups, you’ll soon notice that there are some Relic Setups that you’ll encounter much more than usual. These setups are usually connected to a Miscrit’s inherent archetype.

Full Defense Setup

– 1 HP, 1 PD, 1 ED Relics.

This setup allows Miscrits to become even sturdier and flexible with added HP and defenses. Overall Tanks are most usually the ones who benefit the most from this setup, since tanks were designed to absorb damage and set up attacks for your faster Miscrits. But other Miscrits, specially the ones which only have moderate defenses, will be able to benefit from this setup as well. Think of Dark Kiloray with added defenses. Just deadly, right? Offensive Sniper Setup
– 2 EA/PA, 1 SP Relics.

This setup is most usually used by snipers, allowing them to outrun most, if not all, other types of Miscrits and exploit their elemental/archetypal weaknesses. The added EA/PA gives their attacks a bit more sting, and the SP gives them a boost in speed which allows them to catch even the fastest of all Beelzebugs. Balanced Defense Setup
– 2 ED/PD, 1 HP.

This setup is most usually used by tanks with moderate in one defense, and strong/max in the other. This balances out their defenses, turning them into overall tanks with a more flexible nature. A good example for this is a Shroomer. It has weak PD, and strong ED. by adding 2 PD Relics on it, it becomes a more flexible tank, thus allowing it to use its poison move more efficiently. To be edited.

The Relic Equation
This is a fairly simple equation I devised in order to try and provide a more numeric and objective visualization of Relics. First, let’s try to list down the stat-types and their corresponding numeric representation. For future references, we’ll also be providing the (fictional) stat Beyond Weak in order to represent the stats that are incredibly weaker than usual. It usually ranges around 30 – 39.


Beyond Weak = 0
HP: Any number below 70.
Other Stats: Any number below 40.
Weak = 1
HP: 70 – 79
Other Stats: 40 – 49
Moderate = 2
HP: 80 – 89
Other Stats: 50 – 59
Strong = 3
HP: 90 – 99
Other Stats: 60 – 69
Max = 4
HP: 100 and above.
Other Stats: 70 and above
After which we shall represent the Relics and its boosts with corresponding numeric values. This will be a fairly simple process. First we take the number of the boost that the Relic gives, and multiply it by 0.1. This will give us the corresponding numeric representation of the Relic and its usefulness.

The equation will then be…

“Stat + Relic = New Stat”
Very simple. But before we move on to the application we’ll have to lay down the current boosts and numeric representations of each Relic boosts.


Boosts Below and Equal to 1

0.2 = +2 x 0.1

Collector’s Gem (Level 10, +2 ED)
Wishing Well Coin (Level 10, + PD)
Fenholm River Rock (Level 10, +2 EA)
Woodsman’s Axe Head (Level 10, +2 PA)
0.4 = +4 x 0.1

Magicite Ring (Level 15, +4 EA)
0.5 = +5 x 0.1

Spinerette Silk (Level 10, +5 SP)
Lake Azore Pearl (Level 10, +5 HP)
Bottlefog (Level 15, +5 PD)
Elefauna Flower (Level 15, +5 ED)
Volcanic Reef (Level 15, +5 PA)
0.6 = +6 x 0.1

Growliath Mace (Level 20, +6 PA)
Magicite Robe (Level 20, +6 EA)
1.0 = +10 x 0.1

Azore Cattail Root (Level 15, +10 SP)
Prapple (Level 15, +10 HP)
Azteko Skin (Level 20, +10 PD)
Elder Tree Bark (Level 20, +10 ED)
Eternal Ice (Level 25, +10 PA)
Magicite Amulet (Level 25, +10 EA)
Boosts Above 1

1.5 = +15 x 0.1

Magic Flower Seed (Level 20, +15 HP)
Silver Ruin Shard (Level 20, +15 SP)
CoM Treasure (Level 25, +15 PD)
Skyline Peak Gem (Level 25, +15 ED)
Apollo Nox Parchment (Level 30, +15 EA)
2.0 = +20 x 0.1

Eternal Falls Mushroom (Level 25, +20 HP)
POL Fragment (Level 25, +20 SP)
2.2 = +22 x 0.1

Dragon Shackle (Level 30, +22 PD)
And that’s basically all the numeric representations of all the Relics so far. So how do we use it? Let’s create an example. One good example is Wiquill, the 4th evo of Sparkupine, particularly because it has all types of stats present in its stat build, from weak to max.

Wiquill’s stats are…

HP = Moderate
EA = Moderate
ED = Moderate
PA = Strong
PD = Max
SP = Weak
We can do a lot of things with such a Miscrit. Now that we’ve laid down its stats, we then proceed to use numeric representations for each of its stats.


HP = Moderate = 2
EA = Moderate = 2
ED = Moderate = 2
PA = Strong = 3
PD = Max = 4
SP = Weak = 1
Now of course we want to make it stronger. So we’re giving it Relics. Let’s try giving it a “Balanced” Relic build that leans on defense and boost its ED and HP. We’ll be giving it the best available Relics for each stat at level 30, namely Eternal Falls Mushroom (+20 HP) and Skyline Peak Gem (+15 ED). We then convert them to their respective numeric representations using the formula for Relic Boosts. We’ll get 1.5 and 2.0.

After which we just add it up to their respective stats…

Wiquill + Relics

HP = Moderate = 2 + 2.0 = 4.0 or Max
EA = Moderate = 2
ED = Moderate = 2 + 1.5 = 3.5 or Strong
PA = Strong = 3
PD = Max = 4
SP = Weak = 1
Hence, the resulting stats for Wiquill would look like…

Wiquill’s Resulting Stats with Relics and Love.

HP = Max
EA = Moderate
ED = Strong
PA = Strong
PD = Max
SP = Weak
Wow! Would you look at that! HP became Max, and ED became hella Strong! My golly gee! So yeah… you might be thinking, but how correct is this equation? Well for one I wouldn’t say it’s not foolproof but it’s close enough to being applicable for wide use. So let’s try out its reliability.

The standard I provided for Moderate HP ranges from 80 – 89. Meaning to say that if you add that +20 from the Mushroom, you would get stats that would range above 100, which is the cut off for Max stats. It sounds pretty okay don’t you think?

And that’s about it for Relics Equation. Feel free to ask any questions if you have any and I’ll do my best to address it.

Next section is a bonus! A list of Special Miscrits that would absolutely rock when equipped with certain Relics.

Archetypal Method to Choosing Relics.
An Advanced Approach to Relics.
This part of the guide is a wee bit more advanced than the previous sections of the guide. It requires the basic knowledge of the Archetype Thread’s Basic and Special Archetypes. But after a few simple steps this may prove to be a lot more easier than the Simple Methods to choosing Relics.

Steps to Take Before Choosing Relics.

Determine your Miscrit’s Archetype.
Determine your Archetype Goal.
Go on a Relic shopping bonanza.
Chill on a yacht and admire your newly made work of art.
Alright! As you guys may have noticed, this part of the guide is pretty much similar to the Simple Method, with Archetypes as its only difference. So what’s so advanced about it if that’s the only thing different? Well, tons. For one, let’s take a Pseudo-Sweeper Rocklodon as an example. It has massive PA but it also has two 25 AP moves at level 30. Giving it Relics would allow its Archetype to branch out into a totally new Archetype. And when I say branch out, I mean there will be multitudes of new Archetypes for it which could affect the entirety of your Team Setup’s strategy. For one, it could take the path of a Hitter, and equip PA-boosting Relics to improve the damage of its Colossal Bite attack, or take the path of a pure Sweeper by equipping EA-Boosting Relics which will make its Mudslide much more effective. Those are only 2 of many of the branches or paths it could take. This is why it is imperative that we take the time to sit down and think before we make a choice we might regret. Don’t forget that the same principles from the Simple Method also applies in the Archetypal Method. Balancing and Buffing Up should still be kept in mind.

Determining a Miscrit’s Archetype

Determining an Archetypal Goal

Here’s where it gets tricky. You also need to have a basic knowledge of Archetypal Team Setups as well as the Basic and Special Archetypes. What exactly is an Archetype Goal? First and foremost we have to address the fact that most archetypes have weaknesses. Such as PD Tanks, and their vulnerability to EA attacks. Another is the inability of Pseudo-Sweepers to fully pierce the defenses of tanks, despite having access to two 25 AP attacks.

In order to make the story short I’ll just list down some of the most probable paths for each Archetype to take, and which Relics they can equip to take that path. These paths will either improve their current Archetypes or allow them to branch out to other Archetypes. I’ll also be indicating if the given path will be a Buff Up or a Balance type of approach.


PD Tanks

PD Tank + ED Relics = Overall Tank. (Balance)
PD Tank + PD Relics = Improved PD Tank. (Buff Up)

EA Tanks

ED Tank + PD Relics = Overall Tank. (Balance)
ED Tank + ED Relics = Improved EA Tank. (Buff Up)

Overall Tank

Overall Tank + ED and PD Relics = Improved Overall Tank. (Balance & Buff Up)
Overall Tank + ED Relics = Improved ED Tank. (Buff Up)
Overall Tank + PD Relics = Improved PD Tank. (Buff Up)


Hitters + PA Relics = Improved Hitters. (Buff Up)
Hitters + SP Relics = PA Snipers. (Buff Up)


Nukes + EA Relics = Improved Nukes. (Buff Up)
Nukes + SP Relics = EA Snipers. (Buff Up)


Sweepers + EA and PA Relics = Improved Sweepers. (Balance & Buff Up)
Sweepers + EA Relics = EA Sweeper. (Buff Up)
Sweepers + PA Relics = PA Sweeper. (Buff Up)


PA Pseudo-Sweepers + EA Relics = Sweeper. (Balance & Buff Up)
EA Pseudo-Sweepers + PA Relics = Sweeper. (Balance & Buff Up)


SP Scouts + SP Relics = Improved SP Scouts. (Buff Up)
Switch Scouts + ED and PD Relics = Improved Switch Scouts. (Buff Up)
SP Scouts + EA Relics = EA Snipers (Buff Up)
SP Scouts + PA Relics = PA Snipers (Buff Up)


Blockers + ED,PD and/or HP Relics = Improved Blockers. (Balance & Buff Up)


Snipers + EA and SP Relics = Improved EA Snipers. (Buff Up)
Snipers + PA and SP Relics = Improved PA Snipers. (Buff Up)


Anti-Hitter + PD and EA Relics = Improved Anti-Hitter. (Buff Up)
Anti-Hitter + ED Relics = Overall Tank + Nuke. (Balance)
Anti-Hitter + PD Relics = Improved PD Tank. (Buff Up)
Anti-Hitter + EA Relics = Improved Nuke. (Buff Up)


Anti-Nuke + ED and PA Relics = Improved Anti-Nuke. (Buff Up)
Anti-Nuke + PD Relics = Overall Tank + Hitter. (Balance)
Anti-Nuke + ED Relics = Improved ED Tank. (Buff Up)
Anti-Nuke + PA Relics = Improved Hitter. (Buff Up)


Anti-Tank + PD and ED Relics = Improved Anti-Tank. (Buff Up & Balance)
Anti-Tank + PA Relics = PA Anti-Tank. (Buff Up)
Anti-Tank + EA Relics = EA Anti-Tank. (Buff Up)
Thursday 20 November 2014
Posted by Rahat

Miscrits Collector’s Mansion Map

Since there’s no map for mansion, here I bring you the map (I know the mansion miscrits can find anywhere)

Ground floor

Main floor

Mansion main floor


– Nanaslug has different locations on each day. Check out Miscrits All Rare Miscrits Locations Complete Guide for more information
– You can also find Vhisp, Raldio, and Rafiery at main floor but they’re most common in ground floor.
– You can also find Thundercracker and Rafiery at 2 chairs beside the golden globe. And Bubbles is available outside the mansion along the river.
– Dark Breezycheeks, Grubbean, Flameling and Hydroseal can be found in all stuffs in the right attic.

Hope this helps

Miscrit Volcano Island Map

Volcano Island

Area 1

 Area 2

 Area 3

Note: Ekidna, Toro, and Skustunk available everywhere in area 3

Area 4

Area 5

Note: Gemix, Minosoar, Thundercracker, Leggy, and Dark Felis available in all areas

Posted by Rahat

Sunfall Kingdom Map

Sunfall Kingdom Map

Area 1

 Area 2

Area 3

Area 4 

Note : Firebrand and Dark Grubbean available everywhere in area 4

Area 5

Note: Gemix, Flutterpat, Thundercracker, and Fossilia available in all areas

Posted by Rahat

Miscrit Jungle Shores Map

Jungle Shores Map

Area 1

Area 2

Posted by Rahat

Miscrits Strongest Team Setup (VI) Guide

Miscrits Strongest Team Setup for Volcano Island Guide by Mania Gow

Hi, guys! This guide indicates the best Miscrits to use in order to build strong teams for Volcano Island. This guide is for all the players who are in need of tips about good choices for Miscrits and building strong teams. And just like before, I will tell you the best choices of Miscrits as well as the skills you should Enchant in Volcano Island.

*General Strategies:
– If you are in advantage you can raise your stats, use HP potion and overpower your foe miscrits.
– If you get double turns and your foe miscrits is one turn away from faint and his next is quicker than yours, raise your miscrit stats and then attack.
– If your foe´s miscrits faints from a Poison move, you get a free turn, so if your foe…

…would get a double turn, now he gets 1 turn only.
…would get a turn, you will attack first.
…you would attack first, now you can attack twice.


– Every element will have its own designated section for easier searching.
– All the recommended moves as well as enchantments will be listed down.

Nature is effective against water Miscrits and their weakness is fire.
The top nature Miscrits for Volcano Island are Barkley, Bloombat, Dark Viperd and Hopps.


Barkley is the Best choice when it comes to PA sniper, he can be really useful if paired with a slow fire miscrit and his speed can be great, if this wasnt enough he comes with great Physical Prowess and skills.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Pollen (13) enchant bonus +20% chance to wreak havoc
Mother Nature (22) enchant bonus +4 Dmg
Venom (25) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Hyper Power (28) enchant bonus+2 buff
Slice (30) enchant bonus +15 heal

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

16- You will focus on Pollen and Mush adding to your double turns, you will fight with Mush and you will add Pollen against Confuse/Sleep users, for better results use it 3 to 4 times.

19- At this level it is added Feebler, you can easily start with the double turns to go for double Pollen on Confuse/Sleep users or go for double Feebler to get the edge over your opponents.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

With Barkley you will focus on Hyper Power, Venom pollen and Slice.
You will strive for the double turns and you can go to it in two different ways:

– If you enter that battle already injured you can go for Slice twice to heal yourself 30 Hp back.

– Here you will start with Venom and use Hyper Power 3 times on a row, after you do heal all the Hp you lost at once, cast Venom again and go for the offensive with Slice while you heal yourself, note that every time Venom effect were´s off you will use it again.
(note: if you want to take the fight to the extreme you can start with double turns and give him +20 and +17 PD or ED so that Slice can keep you on the game much longer than before.)

Even though his strategy goes more around Hyper Power with the aid of Venom before you start attacking, dont forget that Pollen and double turns add quite nicely, if you encounter a miscrit that rellies too much on confuse/sleep abilities you can use Pollen twice on a row with your double turns and use it twice more, after you do, you will have time to set up your strategy not to forget if Pollen second effect comes to play all the more advantage you can get, making him quite reliable, he doesnt have Unbreakable as lavarilla and liquifien do, but he can counter most CC/DS users while the other 2 could never hope to defeat.
Add Lavarilla and Barkley together and one will cover the flaws of the other while helping each other out.


Charix is a really great miscrit to keep and possibly the Best Nature Tank on VI, with his always max EA and denfensive randoms he can be quite the miscrit if you get your randoms just right not to mention his crazy skillset.


Dark viperd is the best EA miscrit in this list, Max HP, Strong PD and his skills are worth enchanting, with a great combination of Unbreakable and Venom you can boost yourself while leaving your foes to rot over poisoning effects.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sleep (7) enchant bonus + 5% acuraccy
Summons (19) enchant bonus +2 buff
Unbreakable (25) enchant bonus +3 buff
Venom (28) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Dark Beating Wings (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

13- At this level you will start with Sleep and go for two Tickles on a row, after you do resume the battle, for each new fight you enter start with one Tickle to give you some advantage and then go for EA damage with Dark Vine Slash.

22- Here you will start with Sleep and go either for Tickle or for Summons depending on the situation you are in, after you use it twice you will start attacking with Lotus and hope for the Toxic chance, for every new fight you enter you will use one Summons and resume the battle.

25- Here you will use the same tactics as you did on level 22 but you will be using Unbreakable instead and use it as many times as you need so you can go on with great defenses while you can strike them down after some Summons and Lotus.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

You can use sleep,change to your foe weakness and if you started last and if you trade to a quicker miscrit you will get a free turn, so you can buff/debuff and then attack.

You will start with Sleep and then use Unbreakable followed by Venom, after you do, you will use unbreakable untill Venom effect were´s off and then follow by doing another Venom and attacking with +39 on both defenses (Use Venom every time the previous one wered off).
You can either continue using unbreakable until you need to heal or try some Summons for greater damage. (dont bundle sleep with venom, if your foe is hited by venom while asleep he will wake up, use sleep to either switch or on the begining of the match to do a combo with unbreakable followed by Venom).


With stats to match even valentino´s and skills like Fury that can even match Merlin Beard´s he is your #1 choice when it comes to PA Tank as nature.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sprint (16) enchant bonus +5 hp
Lotus (22) enchant bonus +15% chance of toxic
Venom (25) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Fury (28) enchant bonus + 3 buff
Flying Swipe (30) enchant bonus +20% chance to wreak havoc

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

19- On this level you will focus on Feebler and Mush, not to forget to use Sprint if the need arises.
You will start with some Feeblers until you can strike your foe to over 25 damage per hit, when you can strike him down with Mush and repeat this process with the next battles, if you dont overdo on the ammount of Feeblers you use and with his sturdy defenses you can strike some miscrits down with this strategy.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

He is a sturdy miscrit, use this to your advantage (he can even be equiped with sleep/confuse immune relics without much losses).

You will start with Venom and while Venom takes effect you will use Fury thoose turns, do another Venom, heal and start using Flying Swipe while Venom is in effect, you will continue battling with +48 PA advantage over your opponent (Use Venom every time the previous one wered off).

Sprint is a good move to use when your foe is one hit from fainting and you are slower, you will imediatly have a turn to do that last move you needed to defeat him, after that if his next is now slower than your Hopps you will attack yet again.

Feebler even though it only decreases -10 defenses, with the aid of Venom it can still be effective against some major tanks.

Lotus with luck can deal toxic damage, if you add Venom on top of it, it will deal double the damage, can be really effective against water miscrits.

Water element is effective against Fire miscrits and their weakness is Nature.
Water top miscrits on VI are Dark Bubbles, Gurgleplops, Liquifien and Rockodile.


Dark Bubbles is the BEST Choice for EA Tank as Water miscrit, his moveset relies more on tactics than it does on strategy, but it can be quite useful without the need to waste alot of gold on enchants!

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Merlin beard (25) enchant bonus +3 buff
Deep Sleep (28) enchant bonus +20% chance of wreak havoc
Dark Bubble Trouble (30) enchant bonus +5 Dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

13- You will start with Feebler and keep doing so until you can strike great damage for every hit you do, if you notice your foes defenses are almost hitting 0 use it until they do and then you can do 1hit ko attack.

19- At this level he will use the same tactic as above but with Springshower, not to forget here there is no need to use Feebler until foes defenses hit 0.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

This miscrit have alot of strategies around him with deep sleep and switch to foe weakness, use a buff/debuff and a powerfull hit after.

Basic Deep Sleep strategies apply so if you’re a Mun Kee user you might feel very comfortable with Dark Bubbles. With Dark Bubbles you can use Deep Dleep and either heal or use Merlin’s Beard twice for +32 EA (enchanted) and still be able to attack.

You will start your battle with Deep Sleep and boost it by using 3 times on a row Merlin Beard´s, after you do you will attack with D. Bubble Trouble once and be able to cast Deep Sleep again as you will do and use Merlin Beard twice more, after this you will heal all your injuries and start focusing on D. Bubble Trouble alone with a 80 EA boost.

Deep Sleep Tips
-There is no need to keep on doing Deep Sleep over and over the battle, you will notice this strategy is much safer and brings better results, since the more you use Deep Sleep the more it will miss on you, after the first DS using 3 Merlins instead of 2 and adding 2 more after the second DS hits is ALL you need to rule the battle, you will focus more on skill and less on luck.

-If you noticed his first miscrit will give you way more trouble than his second, do DS hit merlin beard 2 times and defeat him, when his second comes around you will do DS on him and do Merlin 3x and move for the kill.

-Last but not less important if your foe switches to Nature DONT use Deep Sleep right away, chances are will miss and you get a critical or two before you can hit DS again, the first thing you will need to do is use Negate Weakness and just after go to DS strategies.


Dark gurgleplops comes back with a great boost on physical defense and greater attacks aswell, if you want a sure PA tank for water this is your best choice.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sprint (19) enchant bonus +5 Heal
Geyser (22) enchant bonus +4 Dmg
Venom (25) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Sludge (28) enchant bonus +3 debuff
Dark Tentadrool (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg
*Dark Tentadrool does 25 dmg with great chance for poison.

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

16/19- You will focus on Body Shield and Bash mainly to add Sprint on level 19 battles.
You will start your battle and go for the offensive with Bash against EA miscrits for great results, if you do find a PA miscrit you will start with Body Shield and use it two times so you can get a good edge over him and defeat him back with Bash.
At level 19 you will add sprint tactics as you can see below.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

You will focus on Venom, Sludge and Dark Tentadrool mainly to add the other skills at special ocasions.
You will start your battle with Venom followed by two Sludges, then you cast Venom again and defeat him with Dark Tentadrool.
At every next fight you enter you will start with Venom and 1-2 Sludges followed by Dark Tentadrool (if they have great PD 2 sludges will be needed), not to forget to use Venom everytime this one effect were´s off to keep your opponents at bay.

Dont forget he has Sprint, if your foe is one turn from fainting and you use Sprint getting quicker than his you will attack right away again and when you defeat him if his next miscrit is now slower than your Dark Gurgleplops you can attack yet again.


Liquifien is The Safest Bet when it comes to a EA Water Sniper with reliable skills, although if you want to keep good defenses and hold to speed aswell you might want to try your luck on a Rockodile.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Toxic (16) enchant bonus +5% acuraccy
Unbreakable (25) enchant bonus +3 buff
Destruction (28) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Ancient Splash (30) enchant bonus +15 hp

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

13- You will start with double turns and go for double Merciless, after you do you will start attacking with great damage, if you see it isnt quite strong yet, on every next fight you enter you will use it once more and then go for the offensive.

22- You will start with Toxic and use Merciless 3 times, after you do cast Toxic again and go for the offensive with Geyser, when toxic were´s off use it again.

25- Here will use the same tactics as above but you will use Unbreakable instead of Merciless, giving you better results than before, not to mention you can add merciless if the need arises.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

He can use unbreakable several times if the foe doesnt have a move to counter it and then when you have a good ammount of defense you can attack and heal 15 hp, while your foe cant do more than 20 damage to you.

He can get some double turns, with that opportunity you can use:
-Toxic and start using Unbreakable (unbreakable would be covered by your foe loosing hp (recommended).
-Double unbreakable its the safest bet, since it will give you the edge untill you can raise your defenses high enough to finish with Ancient Splash.


Pachydo is only at his best at level 30, there is no other level that he can shine as bright, i will show you some ways to use him sucessfully (equip him with ED, PD and PA relics).

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sprint (07) enchant bonus +5 Heal
Hyper Power (22) enchant bonus +2 buff
Geyser (25) enchant bonus +4 Dmg
Sacred Stones (28) enchant bonus +3 buff
Body Slam (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg
*Body Slam does 27 dmg enchanted and have a huge chance to throw foes to sleep.
*Sacred Stones is a great move that can boost your ED by 16 once enchanted.

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

13/19- Pachydo at lower levels can only attack with the aid of Sprint but dont think of it as a downside since when he reaches level 30 he gets really strong.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

30- At this level you will focus on Body Slam and either Hyper Power or Sacred Stones, sprint can also be useful if used right.
You will start your battles with Body Slam that has a huge change to throw your foe to sleep (i would guess around 70% chance), so as easy it is to get him to sleep, it will give him 2 turns immune to your sleep, on thoose 2 turns you will either:
-Use Sacred Stones to boost considerably your ED and if he have EA based team this is your best choice (recommended).
-Use Hyper Power so you can strike with even more damage than before while seeing your opponent helpless to defend himself.
I would go for Sacred Stones, use it twice and then body slam can now again strike for a sleep chance and as such you will go for that and use sacred stones twice again and keep on using this little combo (use it only on EA based miscrit).

Fire element is effective against Nature miscrits and their weakness is Water.
Fire top miscrits on VI are Dark whik, Emberon and Lavarilla.


Dark Whik is the best choice for EA Sniper there is on VI, good enough stats, even better skillset he can do great damage in a short ammount of time if you use him right.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Oil Fire (7) enchant bonus +5 heal
Toxic (13) enchant bonus +5% acuraccy
Confuse (25) enchant bonus +5% acuraccy
Destruction (28) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Dark rapid oxidation (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

13- You will start with Toxic and use it every time it were´s off for maximum effect, when Toxic is on its time to use Gecko Glow for alot of damage, not to forget his Oil Fire.

22/25- At this two levels you will focus on Toxic, Safeguard, Confuse and Passion.
You will start the battles with Toxic first and continue after, when you hit use Passion.

At normal battles that you start with double turns you can start with confuse, if you do hit the first you will have a free turn, you will do Toxic and 2 Safeguards for a good boost in defenses, after you do this, cast Toxic again and go for Passion while you keep a +20 defense boost.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

You will start the battles with Toxic first and continue going with D. Rapid Oxidation, if you are against a good PA miscrit or a miscrit that have great ED, you will use Toxic first and Confuse just after (so that even if you miss confuse, he will be taking damage), while he is confused and poisoned you will use D.R Oxidation to finish the battle.

At normal battles that you start with double turns you can start with confuse, if you do hit the first you will have a free turn, you will do Toxic and start attacking, after you do this cast Toxic again and go for D Rapid Oxidation to finish thing up for good.

Dark whik can use destruction as his final hit, since enchanted its acuraccy is 100%.


Flintly is a really strong miscrit if you get the randoms right, possibly the best slow miscrit when it comes to fire, he have great skillset to add to his lvl 30 move and he is your best choice if you get the right randoms.


Lavarilla is the best PA Fire Tank on VI, he might lack speed or EA, but his stats are really strong if this wasnt enough he have a killer combo, find out below.
If you want a fire physical miscrit that is sturdy to boost, lavarilla is your best choice.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Tickle (16) enchant bonus +2 debuff
Brimstone (22) enchant bonus +20% wreak havoc
Sludge (25) enchant bonus +3 debuff
Unbreakable (28) enchant bonus +3 buff
Overpower (30) enchant bonus +15 HP

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

19- You will start with Tickle and then go for the offensive with Bash, for every new fight you get in you will use one Tickle before going for the kill, you can use Tickle 2-3 times if your foe is still causing you trouble.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

Lavarilla sturdiness lets you use either unbreakable or sluge before attacking or lowering enemy attacks and then buff yourself up, there is alot of ways to use his buff/debuffs against the right foes.

He can use unbreakable several times with the aid of one or two Tickles to make it easier for you, and when your opponent cant even deal you over 25 damage per hit you will start attacking with Overpower, as the name suggest when you cross that point, you can Overpower your foes, dealing them massive damage while you heal yourself, as long as the move hits you will regain back 15 lost Hit Points.

Earth element is effective against Ligthning miscrits and their weakness is Wind.
Earth miscrits are know for their Defenses and good offensives and have alot of popular miscrits.
Earth VI best miscrits are Bullo, Quartex, Tongutail and Vexie.


Quartex is by far the BEST Choice when it comes to EA Sniper on VI, great elemental potential to add to his crazy moveset, he should be on your team if you are looking for EA Sniper on VI.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sludge (22) enchant bonus +3 debuff
Hard Jab (25) enchant bonus +4 dmg
Complete Confusion (28) enchant bonus +20% chance of wreak havoc.
Quartz Quake (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

10/19- Quartex is a straight forward guy on lower levels and he will only be useful if you use his double turns right and go directly for the offensive, since he have great ED he can block most attacks while he keeps attacking back with his EA attacks.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

His main strategy goes around hitting complete confusion for a chance to switch to his weakness and hit twice for devastating effects.

With Complete Confusion he can either attack thoose 3 turns or sludge your foe for alot of damage at once it shows great results used against the strongest tanks.

He can get double turns with thoose you can go for Complete Confusion for a good chance of it, if you do hit your first time around, Complete Confusion will last 4 turns this time.

Complete Confusion Tips

-There is no need to keep on doing Complete Confusion over and over the battle since the more you use it, the more times it will miss on you.
Moves like Complete Confusion and Deep Sleep should only be used two or three times per battle.
The best time to hit Complete Confusion is always when you get a double turn, since even if you miss you will still have another turn to try it out.

-If you notice his miscrit isnt that dangerous to you, there is no need to use Complete Confusion on him, you will save CC only to use it against foes as strong as your Quartex is or against sturdy Tanks.

-Last but not less important if your foe switches to Wind DONT use Complete Confusion right away, chances are will miss and you get a critical or two before you can hit CC again, the first thing you will need to do is use Negate Weakness and just after go for CC strategies.


Scuzzy can be the best Earth Tank if you get the randoms right and still keep great physical attack aswell, while his skills arent the best, so if you dont hit the right randoms, tongutail is your best bet for PA on VI.


Tongutail is the Best Miscrit as PA Tanks go on VI, although this alone doesnt seem much he comes with unbreakable and some nasty debuffers, give him 2 ED relics or ED + HP and together with unbreakable he can do alot of damage.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sprint (13) enchant bonus +5 hp
Diminish(19) enchant bonus +2 debuff
Unbreakable (22) enchant bonus +3 buff
Landslide (25) enchant bonus +4 dmg
Intimidation (28) enchant bonus +3 debuff
Lasher (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

19- You will start with Diminish and use it twice, after you do go for the offensive with Mush, you will be using Diminish every fight he is in, either once or twice depending on your foes PD, lowering your foes PD while striking with Elite PA will give you an edge over your opponents.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

You can use sprint one turn before you can defeat your foe, if you are slower than his miscrit use it, then you get a free hit, after you defeat his miscrit on that turn, if your miscrit is now faster than his second one you will have another strike at him.

You can lower your foe´s power down with Diminish or Intimidation, although with his hight defenses + unbreakable diminish can be better choice at times.

You will start your battle with Unbreakable and keep on using it untill you need to heal after such you can go for the offensive with a pretty large advantage over your opponent and not to forget to use Diminish on the strongest tanks (this can be even easier achieved if you equip him with 2 ED relics).

Wind element is effective against Earth miscrits and their weakness is Ligthning.
Wind miscrits are always popular on most teams.
Best wind miscrits on VI are Bloverine, Chinook,Monk Munk and Pollifog.

Bloverine is the Best Choice for Wind when it comes to PA tank on VI, With stats at the same level as Hopps and his unique skillset that surpasses Chinook´s he can be a rewarding miscrit if you use him right.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Sleep (13) enchant bonus +5% acuraccy
Cyclone (22) enchant bonus +4 Dmg
Bright Lights (25) enchant bonus +5% acuraccy
Unbreakable (28) enchant bonus +3 buff
Reeling Wind (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

16/19- Here he will focus on Strike as main attack and Tickle to make your work all the easier.
You will start every battle with Sleep and go for two Tickles, after you do defeat his current miscrit and on every next fight he is in you will use 1 to 2 tickles (depending on how strong your foes miscrits are) and finishing with Strike.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

You will focus on Bright Lights, Unbreakable, Sleep and Reeling Wind mostly.
You will start your battle with Sleep followed by two unbreakables and keep on going until you can heal all at once, after you do you can either repeat it to make him even more relentless or pass to the attack with Reeling Winds.

You will be using Bright Lights 3-4 times against players who rely too much on confuse/sleep abilities and defeating them soon after with Reeling Wind (if with this strategy you get a big edge on the battle it would be a good time to use some more Unbreakables to resume your battle with a great defense power).


Pollifog is yet another miscrit with Deep Sleep as his best move, skills can be compared to the mighty mun kee and he can be a great miscrit if you get a good set of randoms.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Tickle (16) enchant bonus +2 debuff
Gale (19) enchant bonus +10% acuraccy
Hard Jab (22) enchant bonus +4 dmg
Sludge (25) enchant bonus +3 debuff
Deep Sleep (28) enchant bonus +20% to wreak havoc
Dragon Gust (30) enchant bonus +6 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

19- You will start with double turns and go for Tickle twice after you do you will start attacking with Gale that can never miss, for every next fights you enter you will use Tickle again to fill the void that Gale have of only 15 dmg.

Miscrit level 30 Strategies

He can get double turns easily and you should strike for that to start your battle with Deep Sleep for a great chance to hit, if you hit the first one, you will have 4 turns instead of 3 as you will go for 3 Sludges and finish the battle easily with that advantage.
You can also go for Tickle for the ocasional PA attacker, so that his attack and your defenses are more evenly matched, not to forget to finish every battle with Gale, since once enchanted it wont miss.

Deep Sleep Tips

-There is no need to keep on doing Deep Sleep over and over the battle since the more you use it, the more times it will miss on you.
Moves like Complete Confusion and Deep Sleep should only be used two or three times per battle.
The best time to hit Deep Sleep is always when you get a double turn, since even if you miss you will still have another turn to try it out.

-If you notice his miscrit isnt that dangerous to you, there is no need to use Deep Sleep on him, you will save DS only to use it against foes as strong as your Pollifog is or against sturdy Tanks.

-Last but not less important if your foe switches to Lightning DONT use Deep Sleep right away, chances are will miss and you get a critical or two before you can hit DS again, the first thing you will need to do is use Negate Weakness and just after go for DS strategies.


Skustunk is the best choice when it comes to EA strikers and he have elite PD as well, being even better than monk munks and skills can be great if used right.

Ligthning element is effective against Wind miscrits and their weakness is Earth.
Lightning VI miscrits are known for their potential on speed and offensive attack!
Lightning VI best miscrits are Felis, Scintillion and Toro.


Scintillion is the best Lighting miscrit there is as EA Snipers go, he have max speed and strong EA, not to mention he can easily be better than miscrits like Zaptor or Electryo.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Scorched Earth (16) enchant bonus +10 Hp
Summons (19) enchant bonus +2 buff
Thump (25) enchant bonus +5 heal
Intimidation (28) enchant bonus +3 debuff
Electric Riot (30) enchant bonus +5 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

22- Here you will focus on Summons and Voltage, adding Scorched Earth when needed.
You will start with double turns and go directly for two Summons for EA bonus, after you do you will start fightining back with Voltage, for every next fight you enter you will use one Summons and then go for the offensive with always stronger EA than before.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies
You will focus on Summons, Intimidation and Electric Riot.
You will be starting with double turns and go for Summons twice for a +24 EA bonus, after such you will start attacking with Electric Riot, on your next fights you can start with one Intimidation so you get a 38 attack advantage over every next fights you have while you defeat them with Electric Riot.

Not to forget to finish every fight you can with Thump for the ocasional healing and to use Scoarched Earth against earth miscrits, you will heal 10 Hp and get your advantage back to strike on your opponent earth miscrit.


Ekidna is your Best Lightning Miscrit when it comes to PA snipers with some EA to back him up, he can be quite the good miscrit if you use him right with double turns and he not only can play on both sides but his skills can do the same as well.


Even though Toro needs good randoms to be effective and you will be striking for atleast max PA and both strong/max defenses, if you do achieve this, he will be your best Tank as Lightning goes.

Moves To Enchant And Enchant Bonus
Confuse (13) enchant bonus +5% acuraccy
Unbreakable (22) enchant bonus +3 buff
Hyper Power (25) enchant bonus +2 buff
Lightning Bolt (28) enchant bonus +5 dmg
Shatter(30) [I]enchant bonus[/I +6 dmg

Best levels on Battle Arena are:

16- You will focus mainly on Confuse and Bash on your battles to ad to your random stats.
You will start your battle with Confuse and while he is under confuse you can switch to his weakness for a critical hit or two if you were slower and switched for a quicker one (recommended) or simply use Bash to deal the damage.

Miscrit Level 30 Strategies

Toro have great defensive skills you can use this chance to boost his defenses even further with unbreakable, heal and keep on doing it untill your defenses are so high you can probably take 3 or 4 miscrits down before he does faint.

He have Unbreakable but you cant forget he also have Hyper Power so that he can easily go for any of them or mix both as i will show you below.

You will start with Confuse and when you hit you will go for 2 Hyper Power, after you do and confuse is over, you will go for Unbreakable and do it as many times as you can, after that you will heal with magical potion and start attacking with Shatter for normal miscrits and Lightning Bolt for wind miscrits.
With a great boost on both PA/EA and PD/ED Toro will be hard to beat.

Advanced team combinations strategies
Team Formation/Combo

These combos can be done if your the second one to make your move on a battle, enabling you to do a quick switch and still attack first. Another strategy is letting your slow miscrit faint, for your second miscrit (his weakness) to be allowed to attack twice in a row.

For more information about this system refer to another of my guide.
Speed a new approach to arena strategies

This combination is to track fire miscrits and overpower them with your water miscrit speed.
Any nature miscrit from the list works here, since best nature miscrits are lacking speed, get them first on the team, and second water with boosted speed to deal alot of damage on quicker fire miscrits.

This combination you will use your slow water miscrit and combine him with a quick fire miscrit to snipe any nature miscrit and deal him a critical hit.
If your miscrit have good ED all the better, you can reduce the damage you get from him and strike with more damage than the one you just recieved.

This combination you will use your slow fire miscrit and combine him with a quick nature miscrit to snipe any water miscrit and deal him a critical hit.
If your miscrit have good ED all the better, you can reduce the damage you get from him and strike with more damage than the one you just recieved.

This combinations require a slow earth miscrit, when you get attacked first, you can switch to a lightning miscrit to get a free hit to deal him a critical hit, if you let your earth miscrit faint and lightning is next you will get 2 turns and possibly deal alot of damage.
If your earth miscrit have good ED all the better, you can reduce the damage you get from wind and strike with more damage than the one you just recieved.

Here if you have a slow wind miscrit he can be paired with a quick earth miscrit like azteko to deal with lightning miscrits.
even a slow Boneshee if attacks last you can switch to your earth miscrit and get a free turn to deal a critical on lightning miscrits, if you let your wind miscrit faint, your earth miscrit will have double turns do deliver pain.

In this combo if you get attacked first by a earth miscrit you can switch to a quick wind miscrit and deal a critical blow on him, if you let your lightning miscrit faint, your wind miscrit will be able to deal 2 hits in a row for devastating effects.

Strong Miscrits Hitters
This miscrits are special, they block attack with low damage and can return back with a stronger blow, thoose are miscrits you should consider having on your team, since they can be really usefull, there are two types for miscrit hitters.

-The first is like Dark viperd and Dark bubbles, they can block physical attacks and strike back with elemental attack for massive damage against his opponents, you should keep miscrits like this ones.

-The second is like bloverine and toro, they can block elemental attacks and strike back with physical attack for massive damage against his opponents, you should keep miscrits like this ones.

Explanation on How to Use Miscrits to their Max Potential!
Balance on Every Miscrits Team

You should always have a balanced team, you should always try to have PA and EA miscrits on your team, and such the same goes for having miscrits with good ED and good PD, speed is important too but not as important as this, with relics and traits comming wont be easy to have only PA or EA and still be that effective, you might end up against a foe that trained all his miscrits to full ED, if that happens while you are using a full EA team, he will have the advantage over you and the same goes for PA, try to be moderate on your miscrits.

Good Miscrits Formations
Good formations goes around getting miscrits by the order of weakness, so that if some miscrit outruns yours in weakness, you have his weakness right there to rescue you, for this you should always try formations like:

Slow, Quick, Slow, Quick
(When slow speed, the lower the speed the better)
This formation allows you to use a slow PA miscrit to deal great damage, and if the need arrives you can switch to your quick EA miscrits get a free turn and deal a critical on your foe, on this example you can do it twice using this formation, beeing slow miscrits with PA and quick miscrits with EA to deal criticals.

Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow
This teams leaves his last miscrit vulnerable for your foe first hit, but this miscrit can deal with that kind of damage.
First part of the team works as you saw on the combination above, but this one blocks your foe from doing turns on your right after you do it to them, even though they can deal a free turn on your last miscrit, with good strategy it wont change the outcome.

Quick Miscrits ONLY
Sometimes all you need is a full quick team, leaving the speed system almost aside, you wont have or deal double turns easily here, same goes for your foe, uses less thinking and relies more on miscrit moves alone.
Teams like this use random speed and strong/max speed miscrits.

Miscrits In-depth Combinations
This combinations use all 3 related elements, so you will always have a miscrit to counter his miscrit if both use similar types, having only 2 of the 3 can leave you wide open for a counter that you cant counter back, giving your foe the advantage he needed.
Related elements are Fire, Nature, Water and on the other group theres Earth, Lightning Wind.
Since you get the 3 together there is a spot left, on that spot you can explore a miscrit from the other elements.

Fire, Nature, Water, Quick Miscrit

On this combination, if someone outruns your fire miscrit you can switch to nature and do the same.
Doing so you will be dealing him a critical he cant possibly defend against or you can let your miscrit faint for the possibility of double turns, with double turns on his weakness its easy to strike a victory.

Water, Fire, Nature, Quick Miscrit

This combination, even if you get outspeed by a nature miscrit, you can switch to Quick Fire miscrit to deal a critical blow, be warned of if your foe have a quicker water miscrit he can outrun you too, for this combination to work at its best, you need to equip a speed relic on fire miscrit!

Nature, Water, Fire, Quick Miscrit

On this combination nature can be either of the top 3, if your foe feels pressured he will try to change to fire, (if he didnt started with one, either way it works fine) if he does, its again your turn so you can switch to Liquifien to deal him great damage, you can also let your miscrit faint for a chance at double turns to deal massive damage he cant defend himself against.

Earth, Lightning, Bloverine, Slow/Quick Miscrit

This combination uses slow earth miscrit to deal max PA damage to your foe, while if you get in trouble you can just switch to a quicker Lightning miscrit and deal a free hit.
This combination is better suited to block Skustunk´s, your best bet is Scuzzy since he can block better EA attacks from Skustunk, and then either you switch to your Scintillion to have a free turn to deal critical on foe or let your current miscrit faint for double turns to deal massive damage on him.

Bloverine, Quartex, Toro, Slow/Quick

This combination uses slow wind miscrit like Bloverine followed by a quartex.
This allows you to change to Quartex to protect your Bloverine from lightning miscrits.

Lightning miscrit can either be slow or quick, if he is slow i would suggest your last one to be quick, if its quick, your last can be either for EA and speed or slow with PA, beeing here the best combinations toro or Ekidna.

Toro, Wind, Tongutail, Slow/Quick miscrit

Lightning best suited miscrit here is Toro, followed by 70+ speed Skustunk, Tongutail on most cases and slow/quick miscrit after.
Toro here can block earth easily with his great potential for ED, then you can switch for Wind and deal a much more effective strike with your Skustunk.
Posted by Rahat

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